Study with Sharath Jois

Sharath Guruji will be teaching at Mysuru – August 2021 to February 2022

The journey to India along with studying at Kpjayi can be an amazing life-changing experience.
The very fabric of your being will be rewoven. If any of you are interested in studying with Sharath in Mysore, please feel free to speak to Bill or Elizabeth about the process of applying as well as the experience itself.

Click here to find initial information on  Keep in mind that all times and dated noted on are based on the actual time in Mysore, India. Many students have missed the opportunity to study simply by not taking this into account. There are students from around the world excited to journey to India and ultimately Mysore. There are relatively few slots available to study at Kpjayi. Sending in an application does not guarantee admittance to the Institute.