Ashtanga Yoga Denver Mysore & Led Class schedule

Through practice, the intricacy of the universe awakens

The schedule was updated on Snow Saturday 2/15

“We are born into the particular so that we may know the whole.”

SUN 2/168:30-10:30Sunday Mysore – रविवार मैसूर
MON 2/17CLOSEDClosed on Mondays
TUE 2/186:15-9AMMysore
WED 2/196:15-9AMMysore
THU 2/206:15-9AM Mysore
THU 2/209-9:20AMPranayama*
FRI 2/216:30-9AMMysore
SAT 2/229-10:30AMFull Led Primary
SAT 2/2211-12:15PMIntro/Fundamentals of Ashtanga
SUN 2/238:30-10:30Sunday Mysore- रविवार मैसूर

* We’ll see how this goes