
  • Before you begin your practice please inform your teacher of any injuries or conditions that might affect your yoga practice.
  • If someone else is looking for space for their mat, and you have some, offer it.
  • When possible turn off all electronic devices before entering the practice room.
  • If it is necessary to check your device please do so outside of the practice room.
  • Personal hygiene is part of the practice of yoga.
  • Please clean your being and wash your towel, rug, and clothes after every use.
  • It is traditional to shower or bath before practicing.
  • It is traditional to refrain from drinking water during your practice.
  • Practice is begun with the stomach empty of food.
  • Consider working toward a sattvic diet, decreasing protein from animals as well as minimizing garlic and onions.
  • Minimize perfumes, oils, and other scents. These are amplified through the heating practice of Ashtanga.
  • Women traditionally refrain from practice during the menstrual cycle.
  • Physical adjustments take place during Mysore practice. If you wish not be adjusted inform the teacher before class.
  • Listen carefully to your teacher’s instructions. Try to follow them.
  • Practice mindfully with care and consideration for yourself and others.
  • Every moment of your time in The Cube is part of your practice. Act with awareness and compassion.
  • Work towards a joyful meditative silence in the room. Enjoy your words when you use them.
  • If visiting, please practice the Primary Series on your first day with us.
  • Stick to the traditional sequence and vinyasa. Do not skip postures without reason.
  • Do not add new asanas unless they are given by your teacher.
  • Never hesitate to ask.
  • Enjoy your practice.