
In Mysore, India, William Mushkin received Level 2 Authorization from Sharath Jois. William was originally introduced to Ashtanga in 1987 by Norman Allen’s student, Beryl Bender Birch. His practice for many years following was a slow and intermittent antidote to his daily acts of running, work, and capitalism. In 2009, William met Gibran Gonzalez Madrid in Sayulita, Mexico–Gibran displayed the entire Ashtanga Primary Series for him in its simple grace. William fell in love with the asanas and the space between them. Through the practice, he has passed through the essences of many beautiful people. He thanks the third person, those who practice next to him, as well as: Sharath Jois, Saraswathi Rangaswamy, Jorgen Christiansson, Richard Freeman, Mary Taylor, and Tim Miller. In William’s words, “The practice wakens me daily to the wordless truths which I know but often misplace.”

Elizabeth Van Genderen has taken yearly trips since 2011 to Mysore, India to study at the Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Yoga Institute and has received Level 2 Authorization and Sharath Jois’ blessing to teach the Full Intermediate Series. She has completed Richard Freeman’s month-long Intensive, his Advanced Intensive, and Tim Miller’s Primary and Intermediate Series Teacher Trainings. She is deeply humbled by her teachers’ dedication to the Ashtanga lineage, devotion to Guruji, and love for their students. She is honored to teach within this parampara, and hopes to transmit the same principles in her teaching. A veteran of 5 marathons (including Boston), Elizabeth has undergone multiple knee surgeries, and is amazed and humbled by the body’s intelligence and ability to heal. She credits Ashtanga for the increased range of motion, flexibility, and confidence that she has found since practicing the 8 limbs. Pratyahara (the 5th limb) means withdrawing the senses. “We withdraw the senses so that we can look inward,” teaches Sharath. “Yoga is experience. It takes place inside, not out”. Elizabeth is greatly honored to share these teachings with you.